Monday, October 3, 2016

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Ershian Joaquin

Footnote to Youth

Footnote to Youth talks about the early marriage of teenagers. In our generation that is one of the most common problem that we’re facing right now. I may not be one of them, but as a teenager im still concerned and worried about their situations that their facing in their early age. Being in love in early age is not a problem. But we should know our limitationsand we should know how to control our feelings. Me right now, as a student I had faced a lot of problems. What more if I enter of having a family in this early age? Having a family at the young age is not that easy. Easy to say, but hard to do. We must think not just once but hundred times before making our decisions. We must think about our future. And most especially we must think the hardship of our parents that they faced just to give us a better life. THINK FIRST!


         This poem was so romantic. The love for each of the characters was showed. Soledad thinks that she is alone and no one loves her. As a person, sometimes i felt that way like soledad. Because there are times that no one understands my emotions and actions. Especially my family, friends and others. In that way i feel that my life is miserable. But, i was wrong because even though sometimes my family is ignoring me and don't understands me. They're always on my side supporting and loving me. And i got this lesson love requires sacrifices, facing all the consequences of such feelings. I believed that all the hardship we take there's still an happiness in the end. Being Alone is not a choice.


      Benjie doesn't want to put his feelings out in the open because of the fear of rejection. Mike on the other hand, doesn't want to follow his heart because he is still having second thoughts about his sexuality. There is no ending in this story, for they have to decide for themselves on what path they would take. Love has no boundaries and so is friendship. It may be difficult for the two to be mixed, but it is still worth a try if you really love the person. It is truly up to you to know your self and your wants in life. No matter what decision you make, as long as you are happy, do it.

In the beginning of the story, I found that the mother is too trusting. She has no gut feeling to let Vincent be a trouble in her family. She allowed Vincent to teach her children without knowing first the personal background of Vincent or knowing want is the real intention of Vincent on her children. She let the stranger enter their house without knowing it first. Because Vincent shows her his good intention to teach her children and by giving them a pencils. Because having a pencil was a wonderful thing for a child. But in the end she knows whats the real intention of Vincent on her child. The mother attacks Vincent. The story shows us how the mother really loves her children very much. It also shows how bravery the mothers is. It tells us that a mother is not just the light of the home but also a protector and defender to those people that are not respecting and mistreating her children. I got a lesson on this story, Do not give your 100% trust on people you just met. Know them first very well before you give your trust on them. Because of this story I salute all moms out there especially my mom for being our mentor and protector and my dad also.

May Day Eve

“May Day Eve” reflected me that even though men and women were different both must be treated fairly and equally. Because God made us equal. Women is not created by treating them as men slave or anyone else. Women also has the right to decide and fulfill their desires. Women are also brave like men in their own way. In the story the regret comes in the end to Badoy, when he realized what he had lost. He knew that he still love agueda in the end after all the struggles they encountered when they are together. It teaches us that we must not be selfish in giving and sharing our love. Because if we has a love in our hearts, everybody would be peaceful. “forgive and forget”.

How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife

In this story, I realized that we should not rush things. It takes time. We should first prioritize our education before entering to a relationship, so that we can help our parents in the future. We must enjoy life first. Finish our studies have our own Diploma and have work so that we can save money for our future and at the same time we are giving back to our parents what they gave as when we are still studying. Because many people who are far from their families abusing their freedom. And that freedom takes them to bad things or bad doings. They never think about their parents who are working hard for them just to finish their studies and gave them a good life. They think that having their own family in early age is easy. They never think about what future they may have if they have no work and if they not finished their studies. We must make our parents proud. The best gift that we can ever gave to our parents is our DIPLOMA. Because for me LOVE CAN WAIT.

My Father Goes to Court

In this story there are 2 types of family status the Rich Family and the Poor Family. The rich family had a conflict with the poor family. It shows in the story how the rich family was very selfish and don’t want to socialize with the poor people in the community. Being rich does not tells us that you’re happy in your family. Yes, they get want they want because of their money. But, they are frail, vulnerable and sickly. They have lots of money but they are not happy inside their house. Unlike the poor family even though they live of poverty but still they are happy living together and the most important is they are healthy. They live as a happy family and no matter how hard the problem is they just overcome it. So we should be happy and contented on what we have. Because money is not that much important.

Like the Molave

  Molave shows the importance of the young generation, and it shows how we must fight for our country and improve the Filipino way of living. It tells that the younger generation is the hope of our country. As a Youth, we should be brave in our own mother land. We can change our life’s with a little effort and a Hard work. The author of this poem wants us Filipinos to wake up and start to make a move to claim the freedom of our country. Youth is the future Leaders of the land.

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Jeric Mosquite

Order for Masks

The story shows the responsibility of being a girl it is so difficult being a girl because you need to be good all the times you need to show your innocence to your father and never did what is your brother wrong doing and do opposite before him. And when the time that their lovers came they need to be responsible of being a wife do all the things that their husband makes happy.

I see my older sister in this poem because she always teach me how to show a good manner to other she never do the same things that I did because she know that I am doing wrong things and about to our father she show respect and she always obeyed what’s our father telling to her she is so innocent from our father. I also see the third mask as my mother because she is a responsible and caring wife she love our father and us she never let us to be in bad condition. The responsibility of the girl is if you did all of the responsibility you will be satisfied your personality as a girl.


Sa lahat ng ating karanasan sa buhay hindi natin masasabi kung sino ang tunay na nag mamahal at mamahalin natin ng tunay kung babae ba sya o lalaki dahil kahit kanino pwede tayong magmahal. Ngayong panahon madami ang kagaya nina benjie at mike na nagmamahal ng tunay kahit na parehas ang kanilang kasarian dahil sa panahon ngayon mahirap makahanap ng mapagkakatiwalaan mo ng iyong pagmamahal dapat mo muna itong makilala sa mahabang panahon lahat ng ito ay nagsismula sa pagiging magkaibigan tulad nila benjie at mike hindi nila namalayaan ang panahon na nagiging komportable na pala sila sa isat isa hindi man nila sabihin eh may nabuong pagmamahal sa pagitan nila takot lng silang umamin dahil nasaktan na sila sa kanilang nakaraan. Ang pagmamahal ay hindi mo lang makukuha sa iyong opposite gender kaya huwag dapat natin husgahan ang mga nakikita natin na magka relasyon na parehas na babae at parehas na lalake. Nabuksan ang isip dahil sa kwento ni benjie at mike kaya masaya para sa mga taong nagpakatotoo sa kanilang sarili ung mga taong nagbigay ng kanilang kalayaan sa kanilang sarili. Respetado ang lahat ng nagmamahalan sa mundo dahil hindi kasarian ang pinag uusapan pag dating sa pag-ibig ito ay tungkul sa kung gaano kaimportante at gaano mo kamahal ang taong pinagkatiwalaan mo ng iyong sarila ang kaylangan ay oras dahil walang pagmamahal sa maikling panahon ng inyong pagsasama.


The story does not only point out to the mother but to all women who finally had the strength to rise up against male abuse. The story describe vicente as a gentle and kind man so the mother trust him to tutor his children. The man intend to molest her daughter and the she did not let that happened she gave her full force to protect her children no matter what happened to her she did not stop to slapped vicente until he goes out of their home so they free to the bad guy. This represent all the bad stranger they acting like they are willing to help but they only want to do something for you. For all the mothers do not trust your children in any strangers even if you see that he/she is kind still don’t trust them because nowadays even tito’s or any relative can molest your daughter you need to educate your children to know if the person is doing bad things to them so they can identify if they are going to trust that person or not. Trust is very difficult to find in other people even your relative’s can’t be trusted nowadays so we need to be careful in our daily life we need to take care of our love ones.

Like the Molave

Rafael Zulueta De Costa would like to say that Rizal is not yet done to his mission there are always many struggles that the new generation will encounter. Our country need a young blood that will continue all the things that undone by our ancestor. He likens us to be like beautiful and strong Molave tree even we are experiencing a very poor living we need to be more productive in our life. Many people are suffering and very poor they are very hard working but they still don’t have a good life even they are suffering that they never surrender in life they are strong as a molave tree. As a new generation of the Philippine I will finish my course to make my life became better and I will not surrender ever there are many struggles that may I encounter. I will help people and educate them how to become a better person and became successful in a time that I became a successful man. If we stand like a molave tree strong and beautiful we can make our dream possible but if we just sit down like grass in the field we cannot help our self and others to grow higher,

Footnote to Youth

As a teenager I see what Dodong’s life is he did not wait for the right time so he did not enjoy the teenager life because he have many obligation for his family. If we choose to love at early age our life will become miserable because the obligation of being a husband, wife and a parent is not suitable to our age we need first to fix our self and focus to our future and become a better person before we make love and build our family. If we did things unplanned we cannot success in our dreams because all things need to be planned for us to have a motivation in our life. Love is not wrong but at our age we can love but just for inspiration not a destruction because if the love become our destruction it is not easy to recover because love make people weak what so for us young people?

Education is very important to us don’t let anything to destroy our education we are going to school because of our dreams people who had no dreams will not know himself. Our parents want us to be in good condition so give our 100% love to our parents not in anyone else. Obey our parents because they are the only person who can help us to became a better person in this world.


The story of soledad is very important to the girls generation now because many of them are experience what happened to soledad her life become cruel because of too much love. Virginity is very important to girls but nowadays many of girls are not aware of being a virgin living they don’t give importance to their self and all of these is because of too much love. Girls are very emotional about love they give their all to their love so when the time come that their love left they will condemned because of it. Soledad was depressed of what happened to her because she gave her soul to her love but he not stay to soledad that’s why many girls are lose their direction in life they are very sensitive they are easy to get hurt so being a man I should respect and love the girls because I don’t want them to became what happened to soledad. For all the girls love yourself because no one know how to care for yourself but only you.

My Father Goes to Court

The story show that the poor people are helping each other it depicts the typical Filipino family. Even they are poor they are happy in life they are hardworking and has a strong relationship with each member of the family. Like in my family we are not rich but we are happy in life because we love each other and we live with each other. Even there are a problem in our family we still laugh and stay happy because being weak is like you are giving up in life. The rich man in the story was very selfish he don’t want to be friend to the poor in the community he only cares about his wealth and money so he got sick because he never experience to enjoy life and to be happy also his children. The story tells what is the advantage of the lower class to the upper class of society is. We can see that the rich people are very weak in their physical strength and they are not laughing they are always has a serious face and they don’t like socialize in anybody. The message of the story is don’t look down to other if you think you are in the always look above you because our god is always in our top.

How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife

This is the story of true love like in reality if you love someone you are willing to do all the thing just to be with your love but in the story it is the girl who gave more effort just to be with her love she did all the test without complaining even she is not doing that in the big city still she has done it for his love. The parents of Leon want to sure that the love of their son is true for him just to our parent before they accept our boyfriend/girlfriend they make sure that we are in good hands so don’t get angry if your parent question you about your gf/bf because they are the one who respons

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Mikaela Meisenhalter

My Father Goes to Court
By: Carlos Bulusan

The story is focused on a simple poor but a happy family that knows how to be contented.  The family in the story was described as a happy go lucky because despite the hardships they encounter in their everyday life, they can still laugh and enjoy their lives and can still survive the burdens caused by poverty. In this story, the rich family and the poor family had conflict with each other.  The rich man in this story is very selfish and is picky when it comes to socializing with others. There is a saying happy people will live longer not like the rich family in this story they became weak and sad. For me this story has a deeper meaning, not because you’re in a higher level, means you can do things through money even though it’s not anymore correct. Carlos Bulusan made this story to somehow explain and describe the discrimination not just in our country but it also happens worldwide.

May Day Eve
Nick Joaquin

Life is filled with regrets. We always realize things when the most important  person or thing in our life is gone. We realize everything in the last part or  sometimes when it’s too late.  For Badoy and Agueda Montiya, they both lived  and loved with hate, resentment, regret. As the story continues, they both realized  that they brought up the negativity and the worst in them. They failed to realize that  fate is dictated by the people involved. Love is cannot be forced, it is only given or  received. Badoy and Agueda fell into the trap of the May Day Eve, wherein they saw it as fate, only to end up failing by the circumstances of their relationship.

By: Honorio Bartolome de Dios

The flow of the story is not as usual as the other love story, this is very different when it comes to gender. It may not be normal for others but still they are still the same and they have the right. Because love knows no gender and also others like age, skin color, nationality, etc. love is love once you felt it. This story is about two friends. Benjie a Homosexual, and Mike.Mike fell in love with Benjie and getting jealous of the former girlfriend of Mike. In this story it tells that not because a person is not straight it must not be respected. Here, Benjie fell in love with mike but still, mike became his friend and they become intimately close. 

Footnote to Youth
By: Jose Garcia Villa

This story can make so many youth realize the things that are actually happening nowadays. In this story the young man wanted to marry early because he was only thinking about the love he feels to his partner not knowing that marrying is a big step in life and has a big change when it comes in living. Marrying is not that simple, it has many things to be considered. We must be physically, emotionally and psychologically ready for this chapter in life. We must always think about the other things to be considered because sometimes if love is only the reference when marrying, marriage doesn’t really work well. Especially when marrying early.  We must listen to our parents because the’ve been already there and they know everything about marriage. Footnote to Youth is the title because it is telling the readers specifically the youth to pay attention to the story and reflect.         

Estrella D. Alfon

Ang gawaing mali ngmatandasa mata ng bata ay tama”

In this story, the things that an old person does will be always right and correct. They must stand as a good example for them to idolize and somehow follow. With the story, it shows a very negative example and took advantage of the innocent mind of a child. Parents must be attentive even though they are very busy with work, still must pay attention with the things around their children and what they are doing because you’ll never know what danger comes to your child.

“Because of you I will never be the same”

Through the experience that the daughter encountered it may never be gone to her mind. It ruined her childhood and she will carry it through her life and she may not be the same child just like before that experience. Her innocent mind was captivated and destroyed. Children that don’t understand everything in his or her surroundings must be guided and protected and we must not take advantage of it. 

How my brother Leon brought home a wife
By: Manuel E. Arguilla

Bringing home a woman that grew up in a city may be difficult because of so many things to adjust. Because of the beauty of the surroundings of your partners home town, a person may fall more in love with his or her love one. 

Mother’s Break
Merlina Bobis

A mothers love, sacrifice and struggle is difficult understand. Nobody can relate to how a mother gives specialty to her child, unless you yourself experience to be one. In this story it indicates how the mother experiences her heart broken because of losing a child. We must appreciate everything our mother gives us and give back the love she continuously gives us. 

Song of the tear-gassed man
Cirilio F. Bautista

People who are not in favor to the government, the people who wants to fight for their freedom, and the students who wanted to claim their rights in this Country may lead to a rally. As tear gas is used to a war, it is irritating to the eyes. And this song is more like a sarcastic one, enjoying the pain while its free and just be gazing nonchalantly in the nothingness before him.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Ali Noel Tonga

Footnote to Youth

This story is a great one for Filipino teenagers to read. In this story, you will learn on the consequences on being impatient and making decisions that are not well planned. I can relate to Dodong on his attitude because sometimes I quarrel with my parents on silly things and not understanding on each other. Sometimes I also think that I am always right and a grown up that I see my parents on the same level even though I am still young. The story also taught that love can wait and not rushing to marriage. The family on this story are suffering on a cycle that is getting married too early and does not have enough knowledge on family planning and not having proper jobs. So I will be going to avoid the mistakes of Dodong and be patient on love because it is always worth the wait.

My Father Goes to Court

I find this story laughable. There are some people that are like the rich man. One of them is me because sometimes like the rich man and his kids I blame others with my misfortunes even though they have not done anything wrong to me. I always jump to conclusions that the people around me are the cause of my failures without investigating evidences. The lesson that I learned about this story is find the cause of my problems and make solutions and not pointing at other people because it will just alienate me to other people and will just going to have a bad reputation.

How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife

This story can relate to couples that lives in a different lifestyle. Most people are afraid of meeting the parents of their love ones because if they differ in each other’s lifestyle, they may not get along. They may always quarrel every time because of decisions they may not agree. Also, they may have a hard time adjusting to each other’s environment. Maria inspires me because she likes Leon and she is easily adjusting to her lover’s environment. She always tries to get along with their culture and will sang along with Leon. She is also not scared of animals as she is befriending the family’s bull, Labang.


There are important lessons that can learned from this story. Sometimes I brag if I have a high score in a test or someone gives me beautiful things like the boy and the girl in the story. I always ask something more things that I don’t need like the children. I also learned from this story that I should not trust someone easily that I don’t know even if they give me nice things because it will save me from danger. It also taught me that I always listen to my parents because they love me and will always protect me danger.

May Day Eve

This story reflects me that women should be on the same level as men. Women should be respected as they are the ones that can also do things like men too. They can also decide what they should do in their own life and they have the ability to accomplish their dreams. I also learned in this story that revenge does nothing good in life and will just make life miserable. Learning to forgive and forget will make life good and gives a nice feeling to oneself. This story taught me that love is very important as this is what make life going.

Mother’s Break

In this poem, the moral is we should always respect our mothers. They are the ones that take care of us while we are growing up. They are the ones that will support us what we want to do in our life. They help us build a good personality and taught us the good values in our life. As for our future wives, we should always respect them as they are the one that give birth to our children. They will be the ones that cooks delicious foods and should always help them as possible. We should always love them.


In this story, I reflect that gays should always be respected as they also human beings, not second class citizens. After all, love is very powerful. It is impossible to stop someone that loves another human being regardless of sex, age and people with disabilities. Gays should have the rights to marry the one they love as they are also a part of our community. They help us build our nation into a better place where there will be no discrimination so people can live nicely and have freedom to do anything. We should support them as they also support us.

Song of the Tear-gassed Man

This are for the people that suffers for fighting for their rights to the government. They experience the tear gas which can hurt the people with asthma. Government doesn’t always listen to rallies for fighting for what they believe in. I believe that the government should always listen to the people that they are serving as it is their purpose to fulfill their needs. Governments should always try to cooperate with the people that are rallying and not hurt them so that the people will be please and be satisfied and fulfill their needs. As a good cooperation can always lead to good result.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Jane Paula Madelar

May Day Eve

Men and Woman are different in view
They have distinct styles that are new
They are strong even though they are few
Walls of hindrances can overthrew.

God made us equal and fairly
We have our own talents to play
No one can judge or criticize our ability
For we have part in this humane society.

What boys can do, girls also can
Women can also be a master of themselves
Where no one can dictate the decision’s they made
That is how women project their individual traits.

Revenge is not the solution to problems
Forget and forgiveness must portray always
Sharing and giving love can make a difference
So we can have peace and unity in our journey.

Footnote To Youth

Sabi ninda ang pag-agom baku karaw-karaw
Ini dakulang desisyon na paghurup-hurupan urualdaw
Kung baga ini maluto na dae pwedeng mag-usbaw
Ta saimong magurang siguradong mapungaw.

Ang storyang Footnote to youth sarong modelo
Sa mga batit na baku pa sigurado
Sa mga tigagibo na puro pakunswelo
Marumduman lugod ninda ang maraot na epekto.

Ang salang gibo kang magurang, dae pagarugun
Ta ini siguradong makakaraot sa kagabsan
Early marriage asin Early pregnancy ay likayan
Ta nganing marhay na buhay ang mapadumanan.

Ang problema natural na sa satong buhay
Kaipuhan tana lang maniwala sa satuyang kakayahan
Dai mag-idali sa mga pagkakataon ta yaon sana iyan
Ang importante maging maugma asin makuntento sa gabos na bagay.

Like the Molave

The poem reflects the nationalism and heroism and how they inspire each individual, to be a great defender of their country. Like the molave, we must be strong enough in such things that we might encounter in our lives especially the youth of today. Facing things all together can make a big difference because as they said unity is the best capital of one community comes up with good result.

In first part of the poem proved that we have part in this society:
Not yet Rizal, not yet. Sleep not in peace
There are thousand waters to be spanned
There are thousand mountains to be crossed
There are thousand crosses to be borne.

The RIZAL in poem pertains to the Philippines and also to the youth. It serves as encouraging words that we must not be contented of what kind of situation we have. There are more challenges and hindrances that might put as down. We should stand still against the odds of our own life and even to the environment that we are part of. We must be brave to fight for the betterment of our society. We cannot predict of what tomorrow will happen, so e must prepare ourselves to survive.
As part of this humane society, we shall join to the quest to make the Philippines more prosperous place. In this, freedom can fully appreciate by many without any hesitation to live their own life. Being unified country can improve the life of the people because after all lending a helping hand in all problems is a sign of stronger Philippine country.

Order for Masks

In this poem, the three masks show the three roles of a woman which is being a sister, daughter and a wife. It implies the negative and positive situations of female population of our society. Not just of men, they are also the capability to gain admiration and flexibility in the field of caring, supporting and loving. But on the other side, the woman has to fulfil the different roles that are expected from her. She is the one who is willing to sacrifice for sustainability of both genders. It is true that women base from ancient times serves as an object to please the en until today but it doesn’t mean that it will remain as it is because our way of living and thinking do change. Nowadays, it is said that whatever men can do, women also can like they can lead and be part of political institutions and can do hard works like constructions, driving and others. Also, education is truly related to this poem so we must value it because it serves as a stepping stone for women to also be on top.  

My Father Goes to Court

This story reveal the reality about underprivileged families with the affluent ones. Living in a society as a human being adheres with so many trials and circumstances but there is a way we could do to lessen the burden within us, it is what we so called “Laugh” and “Happiness”. This story just want to imply to us that laughing and being happy is the most vital features for a person to live his life to the fullest. This is a good relationship among others away from any problems and conflicts. Just like in the case of the poor family in the story, they live their lives in a simple way, as a happy family and with a strong family ties. They get to play, socialize with others and laugh and the most important thing is that they are contented of what they have even they live in the midst of poverty and many difficulties. They never let their relationship ruin by any of problems as long as they are together and happy. On the contrary, the rich family are wealthy, abundant in food and has comfortable lifestyle but the matter is that they are still not contented with what they have. They want more of everything and they tend to be more powerful than the poor that only means they will not truly happy of what kind of life they have. We must always remember to be contented of what we have. Money is not everything. The reality in life is we must know what makes us happy enough. Give yourself a break and just be positive no matter what life brings.


The poem depicts how a society reacts on a certain situation that disturb or contradicts the basis of their action which is the religion. Filipinos deep sense of religiosity is reflected in their way of life – the way they decide, act and lead. But is this the only basis to judge other by the mistake they’ve done? In the poem there was a girl who committed a mistake which is the pre-marital sex and when the people learn about this scandalous situation they judge and condemned the girl instead of giving sympathy. What happened to their so called Christian teachings? To have mercy on others, this only reveals the outlook about the people expressing their unconscious mind about those kind of situations. This poem also shows how a group of people in a society reacts when such expectations fail. A society’s traditions and culture is guided by something. Something they choose to believe and manifest them to be what they are now. But beyond this, we must also remember that even we are linked with the same religion, god made us unique to be different from other so we must not judge anyone using our own basis. Ever mistake deserves forgiveness so rather let our hearts do forgive.

How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife
Everything in the name of love is possible. If you are in love you can do the things, that you aren’t make in the past. Love conquers all. It is the state of our life that we feel all the things are easy to deal with. The essence of love cannot put down by any challenges actually it will made you be a strong person just to fight for the person you adore with. This is what Maria ought to do. To show her love for Leon, she overcome all the odds that Leon’s parents had been done. They underestimate the ability of Maria, thinking that she will not be able to live in rural area. But because of the love and the likeness to live with leon, she didn’t mind the test instead he face with determination and together with the love. This is just a proof that there’s no wall of hindrances that can defeat love. Even if both of you differ in culture and way of living it is not the things that would break you. As far as you love each other and willing to take risks in a relationship no one can stop you.

Kasalanan nga ba ang magmahal ng kapwa?
Kung ito’y hindi ko naman sinasadya?
Baliw na puso sa kanya’y nahalina
Tanging kaligayahan sa kanya’y nadama.

Ang sabi ng iba . magmahaln ang bawat isa
Ngunit sa paningin nila, ito’y hndi maganda
Ito raw ay labag at hindi kaaya-aya
Kaya’t sandamakmak na pang-huhusga ang napapala

Ngunit sila’y hindi umaatras at nagpapabanga
Mapa-Lesbian, gay, bisexual o Trangender pa yan
Sila’y rumarampa mapagabi man o umaga
Ngiti sa labi ang siyang binabandera

Gaya ng makulay na lovestory ni benjie at mike
Parehong lalaki na magkaibigan , na tuluyang nagibigan
Pinapakita lamang nila ang matatag na pagsasamahan
Kaya kahit anong pangungutya , sa kanilay balewala

Kung mahal mo ang isang tao, panindigan mo
Kahit may pagkakapareho na nakikita sainyo
Hindi nasusukat ang pag-ibig sa kasarian lamang
Bagkus sa kung gaano kayang ipagsigawan ang inyong pagmamahalan

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Hiede Ann Villanueva

Footnote to Youth 

In this story, the life of Dodong's father is passing through generation to generation. They married at an early age. Nowadays, some teenagers that got pregnant think that marriage is the solution. Marriage is not a game. It must be taken seriously. We should not rush ourselves into such thing. We have a lot of time to pursue our dreams. Marriage is a thing that has full of responsibilities and you must be mature enough. There are lot of circumstances that must be considered before marrying. Let's know first the consequences in the decision we make.

My Father Goes to Court

It doesn't matter how much wealth we have or how much the family can provide. What matters is how happy we are together, how full life can be with just each other. The rich man's family may have the good food, but do they enjoy it as much as the family who is happy by just the aroma of food? Also, Acusing others for our misfortune or misery, does not mean that they are responsible for it. You can blame others but really the fault is on your hands. The rich man blames that the neighbors stole the spirt of the food that nourished them instead of nourishing the rich man's family, but really, the neighbors stole nothing. The neighbors were merely glad to smell the food and enjoyed playing outside and bonding together. While the rich family stayed inside to watch them enjoy and grow healthier, they  themselves grew to envy the neighbors happiness.

How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife

We should respect and give a chance to get to know people before we assume anything about them. There will always be different kinds of people and instead of looking at the differences we should change our views of certain things and see what can surprise us when we accept those differences. Also, social status is not a hindrance in love. A humble farm man can always love a city girl. And also, to keep a relationship working, sacrifices and comprising can help keep their lives happier together.


It is a story were a couple hired a stranger to be a tutor to their children. Vicente or the stranger is taking advantage to the innocent girl. Good thing the mother arrived and saw what happened. Then, slapped the man repeatedly. He told the girl to take a bath and throw the pencil to clean or purify again the little girl. This story tells us that we can never really trust some people nowadays for they might use it for bad intentions. Don’t trust people until without really knowing them. It also seen the love of the mother because she protected her little girl.


People usually don't act on what they truly feel because they fear of what other people will think and say of them. Our actions are usually based on what the society will accept and not on what makes us happy. Being in a same sex relationship does not make anyone of those individuals a bad person or a person who is to be frowned upon. There are only two kinds of people, those who do good and those who do bad. Loving a person who is the same as your gender, how is that doing bad?

Song of the Tear-gassed Man

The song of the tear gassed man is a plead of the people who are not in favor of the government or those who want to fight for freedom and rights as citizens or students or just as men who deserve justice. This cries out what these people want to express and what they want to be heard for. This was written during the martial law in which whenever there are rallies or mobs, police tear gas these men to temporarily blind and irritate their eyes. The writer had a different way of being heard and it was through this composition that is now still being carried out through time, teaching us what they were going through then.

May Day Eve

Marriage should not be based on raging passion. For passion is not enough to keep two people intact together. We must not make decisions based on emotions felt in the moment because it may not last. Also leaping into serious commitments without proper dissecting of the situation can lead to disillusionment  which causes to see something we once thought of to be so great into something we've grown to recent.


Soledad is a story of a woman who loved too well but was condemned for that doing. Soledad was a woman who was carved from pride, a woman who people are proud of and is looked up to. But she disregarded all that for just a moment with her love or the so called "firebrand". And this lead to the people's thinking that "her soul's cathedral was burned by his desires" maybe this was because Soledad has not yet gotten into marriage that is why she was condemned for loving too much.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

8 Stories (Reflection) By: Jan Mauryn Mahusay

Like The Molave 

(Photo from Google)

The author was referring that our country has hope if all people will be united. He was still convinced that many Filipino youth's are like Jose Rizal who's our national hero that have the same strength like him to fight for the better of his fatherland and fellowmen. Of all these problems that the country is facing right now, we need more people like the Molave, who's strong and firm enough to face any circumstances. I think it's not yet too late to take actions. Our children are the future generations. They will be the one who's going to suffer if we don't move right now. 

Footnote to Youth

(Photo from Google)

Dodong's father and Dodong himself didn't tried to pursue the logical role of a parent. It is understandable that all people make mistakes but we learn from it, right? Rather than sharing to their sons the past experiences and lessons in life being a father at a young age, they didn't thought about it and continued to follow their child's urges. As a result to that, their child suffered because they lack knowledge about parenting and didn't know what is it to be in a married life. If the father of Dodong started it right, for sure Dodong will be in the right path and his son Blas will not do the same thing as theirs. But it has already been passed through. They can't turn back time and change their mistakes. I just hope that Blas will not do the same thing to his child and teach the right ways on how is it really to fulfill a youth's dreams. 

My Father Goes To Court

How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife

(Photo from Google)

Baldo's family showed these beautiful traits of a Filipino culture like; living a simple lifestyle, being respectful to their parents and the closeness of the family with each other. It was Baldo who asked by his father to accompany his brother Leon with his wife Maria going to their home to know if she is worthy to be the wife of his son and asked if she was scared of Labang their pet bull who was also considered as part of their family to test if she was brave enough. The story also represents  the noble quality of being a father who shows absolute care to his child. Maria as a wife was really patient and understanding. She didn't even complained about their long journey though it was a rough ride and they rode a bull going to their home. I think, she was truly a woman who's every man wanted to be a wife with her personality and looks. No wonder Leon really loves him. Thus, Maria was lucky to have Leon as a kind-hearted husband. They were definitely a perfect pair and I think they'll build their own family wonderfully.

Order for Masks 

(Photo from Google)

The poem is all about a woman who desires to be in three different roles for his three men in her life that represents three masks to portray for his brother, father and lover. She wants to be in an opposite side towards his brother when times of fights and misunderstandings, an ideal daughter for his father who's gentle and innocent and for his lover that will truly cherish her love and maintain the contentment and happiness in their relationship. But, no one's perfect. We must accept the fact that every person has flaws and we're all making mistakes. Just offer kindness and spread love to other people. The important thing is that you're being true to yourself and what you show to others aren't fictitious.


(Photo from Google)

"Magnificence" pertains to the mother who showed bravery in protecting his daughter. The story began in a man who's a bus conductor. He offered help to a mother of two children and his name was Vicente. He always go to their house in the evening to assist the children in doing their home works. But later on, he secretly liked the little girl and acted differently which causes the child frightened. And then the mother wondered and she felt there was happening wrong, then he let Vicente out of their house. At first, the mother shouldn't trust Vicente without knowing his background though he showed hospitable to her children. But she faced Vicente strongly to let him away from his children. That's why, a mother like her should be loved and appreciated. 

Mother's Break

(Photo from Google)

Being a mother is probably not an easy task to do. We should be really grateful if we have a kind of mother who never gets tired of giving our needs and wants for the sake of our happiness. We shouldn't blame our mothers if we get scolded every time because they're just concerned and they don't want us to be in the wrong way. Also sometimes, they're just tired of all the chores and other stuffs. So as a child, we should just understand the situation and help them to lessen their duties. And most importantly, always show how much we love our mothers. 
